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Translation Shifts in Eurospeak Nominals
Autoři: Nováková Eva
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Translation Shifts in Eurospeak Nominals Official documents issued by the European Union authorities represent specific text types which communicate EU law and administration to EU “insiders” (officials and specialists in various European institutions) as well as the general public (the European citizens). In spite of a complexity of their communicative functions and variability of genres—from legally binding regulations to press releases—these documents typically share a stylistic device of administrative texts, i.e., the tendency to nominalization. High distribution of nominal forms, including complex noun phrases and verbo-nominal condensers, also characterizes the grammar of present-day English, the most frequent source language in translated EU documents. This paper focuses on the cross-linguistic differences between nominals in English and their equivalents in the Czech versions of EU official texts. Following the principles of functional contrastive analysis, it applies as tertium comparationis the stylistic criteria for EU documents that require precision and accuracy, exact terminology and economy in the text shaping, but simultaneously accentuate a slightly contradictory need of “clear writing” comprehensible to the general readership. The main concern of the analysis is to classify the English–Czech differences as translation shifts in the level of grammar, semantics and pragmatics, and to evaluate potential and limits of the existing taxonomies of these shifts. EU official documents; translation shifts; functional equivalence; nominalization