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Trojan Horse? New diplomatic strategy of Emperor Charles VI in negotiations with the Polish-Saxon Union after the royal wedding of 1719
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Trojan Horse? New diplomatic strategy of Emperor Charles VI in negotiations with the Polish-Saxon Union after the royal wedding of 1719 In 1719, a royal wedding took place in Vienna, which united two important dynasties of Europe. The Austrian Archduchess Marie Josef of the Habsburg dynasty married the Polish-Saxon kurprince Friedrich August. Thanks to the person of the new Polish Princess Maria Josefa, the imperial people had the opportunity to get to the very center of events for the first time, as her Oberhofmeisters. The emperor, as the princess's uncle, appointed his diplomats to this court post. This person was to get into a close family circle and obtain information from within, and on the other hand try to tilt the local policy in a direction suitable for the emperor. However, these diplomats were sent to the court exclusively as Oberhofmeisters, and their diplomatic function was to be prudently granted to them only later. Polish-Saxon Union; Imperial diplomacy; 18th century