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Recontextualisation strategies in medical YouTube videos
Autoři: Szczyrbak Magdalena Adriana | Tereszkiewicz Anna
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Recontextualisation strategies in medical YouTube videos The poster presents the results of a study focusing on medical knowledge popularisation videos shared on the most popular YouTube channel in Poland (Najprościej mówiąc). The research question behind the study was: What rhetorical strategies are used in the videos to recontextualise medical knowledge in the multimodal and participatory context of YouTube? The analysis was based on Luzón’s (2013, 2015) classification of strategies used to recontextualize scientific knowledge in scientific weblogs, and Myers’ (2010) discussion of engagement strategies in blogs. The initial classifications were revised and expanded to suit the audio-visual context and include the practices employed by the YouTubers. The analysis shows that the authors resort to a diversified set of recontextualization strategies, fully exploiting the affordances offered by the multimodal character of the medium. The video makers tailor medical information and engage the audience by using explanation, exemplification, comparison, references to shared knowledge, by the use of informality and slang, as well as humour and intertextuality. Specialist knowledge is recontextualised by means of fictionalised scenes, role-play, demonstrations, as well as animations. The use of music, headlines and diverse visuals is also exploited as a means of educating and entertaining the audience. Quite interestingly, certain glocalisation patterns were found in the strategies, with the YouTubers utilising references to the Polish socio-cultural context, which may not necessarily be clear to a foreign viewer. The poster presents the respective practices identified in the videos, with supporting examples and an interpretation of the findings. In focusing on and revealing the practices used by Polish users, the study contributes to the growing body of research into spoken online discourse across different linguistic backgrounds. The results of the study may be of interest to researchers investigating popularisation videos in a medical discourse; YouTube; recontextualization; science communication