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The Place of Wrongdoing and Remorse in a Child’s Life
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng The Place of Wrongdoing and Remorse in a Child’s Life The focus of my paper is on moral education. But instead of relying on the standard theories of moral education, that is, the Virtue Ethical and Kohlbergian traditions, I will focus on Care Ethics with its relational take on morality. Moral education and moral improvement in children will be examined not from the perspective of character building (as advanced by Virtue Ethicists) nor learning how to make proper moral judgements (following Kohlberg) but from that of one's wrong-doing and remorse. This paper will see how remorse in the face of wrong-doing can cause a positive moral transformation. In other words, it will explore how wrong-doing among children can pave the way for significant moral lessons that educate them (provided they respond/are taught to respond appropriately to their wrong-doing). To this end, the concept of remorse (as elucidated by Christopher Cordner and Raimond Gaita) will be analysed. Remorse; Wrongdoing; Children; Moral Education; Moral Transformation