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Publikace detail

Foundations of Moral Values
Autoři: Reyes Mira
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Foundations of Moral Values Course Description: The course orients the student in deepening and enriching the reflection process involved in practical ethics. It trains them to see and practice the framework of everyday ethics, the elements that involve sound decision-making such as: notions of subjectivity as essentially moral and other-centered, the moral sense as both emotional and rational, virtue-formation, values, and time space, perseverance in moral conduct, weighing values behind options, conflicts with moral norms of society and historical periods, and, becoming agents of moral change for a better vision of the world. It ventures to help the young individuals see the personal detachments and courage demanded in decision-making, the creativity to multiply options that deconstruct false dichotomies that seem to say “I have no other choice,” and that the mature ethical world is more blended, dynamic, and rich than the polaristic and essentialistic dichotomy of bad and good. Moral Values