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‘Environmentalism without ideology’ and the dreams of wiping out humanity
Autoři: Beran Ondřej
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Philosophy and Society - Filozofija i Drustvo
Název nakladatele: University of Belgrade
Místo vydání: Belgrade
Strana od-do: 439-459
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze ‘Environmentalism without ideology’ and the dreams of wiping out humanity My aim is to discuss the rhetoric of expertise as objective, and ideology-and value-free, on the example of environmental policy. The first section introduces examples of the common rhetorical figure of expert, ideology-free environmental protection, revealing their presuppositions. The second introduces objects of comparison - the cartoonish proposals of wiping out humanity - with the aim of showing that the two groups of proposals assume an analogous rhetoric. The third section discusses some prominent features of various proposals of 'population control', along with the links to the current surge of so-called eco-fascism. The aim is to show that all these phenomena represent a scale of the idea of ideology-free environmentalism. The concluding section discusses the distorted understanding of expertise, ideology, and politics, central to examples given in the previous sections, as leading to deplorable ignorance or callous cynicism, and therefore, in effect, a moral failure. environmentalism; ideology; expertise; overpopulation; population
eng ‘Environmentalism without ideology’ and the dreams of wiping out humanity My aim is to discuss the rhetoric of expertise as objective, and ideology-and value-free, on the example of environmental policy. The first section introduces examples of the common rhetorical figure of expert, ideology-free environmental protection, revealing their presuppositions. The second introduces objects of comparison - the cartoonish proposals of wiping out humanity - with the aim of showing that the two groups of proposals assume an analogous rhetoric. The third section discusses some prominent features of various proposals of 'population control', along with the links to the current surge of so-called eco-fascism. The aim is to show that all these phenomena represent a scale of the idea of ideology-free environmentalism. The concluding section discusses the distorted understanding of expertise, ideology, and politics, central to examples given in the previous sections, as leading to deplorable ignorance or callous cynicism, and therefore, in effect, a moral failure. environmentalism; ideology; expertise; overpopulation; population