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Sara Lidman's secular reading of original sin
Autoři: Hämäläinen Nora Fiona Karolina
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Philosophy and Literature
Název nakladatele: Johns Hopkins University
Místo vydání: Baltimore
Strana od-do: 88-102
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Sara Lidman's secular reading of original sin This paper takes a plunge into the novelistic universe of Swedish writer Sara Lidman's epic of modernity in the novel suite The Railway, focusing on her secular reinterpretation of original sin and the fall, and her rendering of the fundamental agonism of human existence, set in a frame of social change, liberal hope, and voracious capitalism. It considers Lidman's thinking as a suggestion for the kind of new conception of original sin that Iris Murdoch called for. original sin; Sara Lidman
eng Sara Lidman's secular reading of original sin This paper takes a plunge into the novelistic universe of Swedish writer Sara Lidman's epic of modernity in the novel suite The Railway, focusing on her secular reinterpretation of original sin and the fall, and her rendering of the fundamental agonism of human existence, set in a frame of social change, liberal hope, and voracious capitalism. It considers Lidman's thinking as a suggestion for the kind of new conception of original sin that Iris Murdoch called for. original sin; Sara Lidman