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Conseils sur la direction des salles d’asile, l’œuvre de Marie Pape-Carpantier. Sa traduction et son impact à Prague.
Rok: 2019
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
fre Conseils sur la direction des salles d’asile, l’œuvre de Marie Pape-Carpantier. Sa traduction et son impact à Prague. The study focuses on pre-school education in Bohemia during the 19th century with the stress on its second half. The author pays attention to the relevant educational structures, their development and influence of the foreign (German and French) education models. The stress is put on communication between Marie Riegrová – the founder of nursery schools in Prague, and Marie Pape-Carpantier, a major representative of the French pre-school education. The objective of the study is to explain strategies used in pursuing the Czech national interests in pre-school education and to describe the use of models that Marie Pape-Carpantier upheld in her specialized publications. The contribution deals with the translation of one of this French author´s work Conseils sur la direction des salles d’asiles which was introduced to the Czech public by a Czech student of hers in Prague. Last but not least, the study addresses a rather limited influence of other Carpantier´s works on the Czech pre-school education. 19th century; history of education; pre-school education; salles d´asile; nursery schools; Marie Pape-Carpantier (1815-1878); Marie Riegrová (1833 – 1891).