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El conde de Oñate y la diplomacia entre Madrid y Viena a principios de la Guerra de los Treinta Años
Autoři: Marek Pavel
Rok: 2018
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Manuscrits : revista d'història moderna
Strana od-do: 35-50
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Hrabě Oňate a diplomacie mezi Madridem a Vídní na počátku Třicetileté války Studie analyzuje diplomatickou misi španělského vyslance hraběte de Onate u císařského dvora Ferdinanda II. Habsburkové; císařský dvůr; hrabě de Oñate; diplomacie; papežství; Třicetiletá válka
eng "The Count of Oñate and the diplomacy between Madrid and Vienna at the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War" "The outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War strengthened the unity of the two branches of the House of Austria. Dynastic solidarity became, in years 1618-1620, the central axis of international policy of the Spanish Monarchy. From the beginning of the conflict, the Catholic king lent the Emperor economic and military assistance. However, through the same resources the Spaniards tried to increase their influence in the Holy Empire. The main objective of the article is to present what reaction awakened the fact in the imperial court and what role in the process of the implementation of the Hispanic policy fell on the ambassador Íñigo Vélez de Guevara, count of Oñate." "House of Habsburg; the imperial court; the Count of Oñate; diplomacy; Papacy; Thirty Years’ War"