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Od katedry ke kronice. Životní příběh Bohumila Bílka
Autoři: Benda Michal
Rok: 2019
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Královéhradecko
Strana od-do: 13-24
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Od katedry ke kronice. Životní příběh Bohumila Bílka Dlouholetý kronikář Hradce Králové pocházel z malé obce Vitiněves, ve které se narodil v roce 1900. Po absolvování učitelského ústavu se věnoval pedagogickému povolání. Postupně vystřídal řadu působišť, avšak nejvíce času strávil na královéhradecké základní škole v Šimko-vě ulici. Zde se také v roce 1953 stal ředitelem. Po odchodu do starobní penze v roce 1960 začal psát kroniku Hradce Králové. Tomuto poslání se věnoval následující tři dekády. Bohumil Bílek zemřel v roce 1992. Hradec Králové; Vysoké Veselí; školství; kronikářství; Bohumil Bílek
eng From teacher’s desk to chronicle (a life story of Bohumil Bílek) Bohumil Bílek was born on May 5, 1900 in a small village Vitiněves into a destitute family of manually working parents. He was successively graduated from an education where he chose pedagogy as his specialty. After graduation at so called teaching institute, he, at the age of 20, started his career as a teacher that he kept all his life. He gradually changed several places of work in Vysoké Veselí or Ne-chanice. A breaking point in his career was his arrival in Hradec Králové in 1945. There, he became a pedagogue at 1. secondary school (later renamed as 1. eight-year basic school). After changes in the educational system, he became a headmaster in 1953 at this institute, where he also reminded as a headmaster until his retirement in 1960. After finishing his pedagogical practice, he became a chronicler of Hradec Králové and he followed his mission another thirty years! His chronical work has been recognized by its meticulousness, sophistication and excellent arrangement of the text. After all, in thirty years, Mr. Bílek wrote more than fifty thousand pages in his neat handwriting. The proposed study aims to partially introduce this exceptional personality who left behind a significant chronicle legacy. Hradec Králove; Vysoké Veselí; education; chronicles; Bohumil Bílek