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Trinitarianism in the Work of Comenius
Autoři: Marešová Iveta
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Trinitarianism in the Work of Comenius Trinitarianism is a significant and highly important component of Comenius’ thinking. Comenius follows Saint Augustine’s doctrine of the vestigia Trinitatis in rerum. Traces of the Creator, the triune God, are imprinted to the world. Jan Patočka proved, that the ideological source of Comenius’ trinitarianism is a work of Nicholas of Cusa, who follows Augustine’s doctrine of the vestigia Trinitatis. The fundamental principle of the whole Comenius’ Pansophy is the triad to know, to want, to can (scire, velle, posse) that is actually a terminological variation of Augustine’s triad to be, to know, to want (esse, nosse, velle). From this basic triad - scire, velle, posse - Comenius derives the possibility of reformation of mankind, because according to him it is related to triad unum, verum, bonum. Comenius; Trinitarianism