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Structure and development of the ethmoidal part of the skull in Anura, and its ancestral pattern in Temnospondyli
Autoři: Královec Karel | Roček Zbyněk
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Journal of Morphology
Název nakladatele: Wiley-Blackwell
Strana od-do: 305
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze lebka, ethmoidální část, ontogenetický vývoj
eng Structure and development of the ethmoidal part of the skull in Anura, and its ancestral pattern in Temnospondyli The ethmoidal part of the skull is uniform in adult anurans, whereas in their larvae two morphologically distinct types occur. In non-pipoid tadpoles it consists of a pair of the trabecular horns and pair of the suprarostral cartilages that serve as larval upper jaws. In pipoid larvae it consists of a single internasal plate, the anterior edge of which serves as the larval upper jaw. Homologies of these structures in pipoid and nonpipoid tadpoles are still being discussed. We investigated development of these structures in representatives of non-pipoid and pipoid anurans (Discoglossus pictus, Xenopus laevis) by means of 3D computer-generated reconstructions from serial sections. In early stages, both trabecular horns of Discoglossus pictus are interconnected by intertrabecular ligament which may posterioly chondrify in a continuous horizontal plate. This indicates that the ligaments or horizontal cartilaginous plate can be homologous with medial part of the internasal plate of pipoid frogs. Having known temnospondyls (e.g., Benthosuchus) had ethmoidal endocranium as continuous horizontal plate, we suppose the trabecular horns in non-pipoid frogs evolved from the internasal plate by suppressed chondrification along the midline. skull, ethmoidal part, development