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Mundus sub specie educationis
Autoři: Prázný Aleš
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: kapitola v odborné knize
Název zdroje: Pojetí světa v díle Jana Amose Komenského
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 191-200
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Mundus sub specie educationis Comenius´ view of the world can be called mundus sub specie educationis. Education is for Comenius the only way how to restore the human things, how to lead human from the labyrinth of the world. Comenius understands the human things as three core areas, through which the whole human life proceeds: religion, politics and philosophy. Education means to bring up towards the Truth, which represents the presumption of human and world harmony. The idea of education dominates all Comenius´ works and proceeds from particular problems of didactics to universal aspects dealing with the entire creation. Comenius presumes that every human longs for revealing the truth not to be deceived. According to Comenius, the desire of the Good gives birth to the desire of amendment sourcing of the devoutness to God. To Comenius Educatio means the journey to God and to Goodness. The way of amendment begins with awakening from somnolence and selfishness. This amendment should restore Image of God (imago dei). Filosofie;výchova;Komenský;komeniologie
eng World in View of Education Comenius´ view of the world can be called mundus sub specie educationis. Education is for Comenius the only way how to restore the human things, how to lead human from the labyrinth of the world. Comenius understands the human things as three core areas, through which the whole human life proceeds: religion, politics and philosophy. Education means to bring up towards the Truth, which represents the presumption of human and world harmony. The idea of education dominates all Comenius´ works and proceeds from particular problems of didactics to universal aspects dealing with the entire creation. Comenius presumes that every human longs for revealing the truth not to be deceived. According to Comenius, the desire of the Good gives birth to the desire of amendment sourcing of the devoutness to God. To Comenius Educatio means the journey to God and to Goodness. The way of amendment begins with awakening from somnolence and selfishness. This amendment should restore Image of God (imago dei). Philosophy;Education;Comenius;Comeniology