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Adolf Burger - der letzte lebende Geldfälscher des Dritten Reiches
Autoři: Čapek Jan
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Adolf Burger - poslední žijící padělatel peněz ve Třetí Říši Adolf Burger;padělání peněz;koncentrační tábory;Sachsenhausen
eng Adolf Burger - Last Counterfeited in the Third Reich During the World War II, Adolf Burger was working (under the command of Nazi leaders) in a secret counterfeiting workshop in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Being a part of the "Operation Bernhard" team, Burger counterfeited millions of British pounds. Immediately after his liberation from the concentration camp Ebensee, he wrote the book ?Number 64401 Speaks? in which he describes his former activities. A couple of years later, ?The Commando of Counterfeiters? follows. None of these two books became any major success. The change came with his last description of his life story, which was published under the title ?The Devil's Workshop? and became a bestseller. The book was adapted for the Austrian- German co-production ?The Counterfeiters? which was awarded an Oscar in 2008. Adolf Burger;secret counterfeiting workshop;concentration campSachsenhausen