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Vergleichssätze und Modusgebrauch anhand ausgewählter deutscher Texte der Gegenwartsliteratur
Autoři: Matušková Lenka
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Estudios Filológicos Alemanes. Revista del Grupo de Investigación Filología Alemana
Název nakladatele: Universidad de Sevilla
Místo vydání: Sevilla
Strana od-do: 205-216
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Srovnávací věty a užití modu na základě vybraných textů současné literatury
eng Comparative Sentences and Mode Use on the Example of Selected German Contemporary Literary Texts A detailed insight into the problems with the unreal comparative sentences, not only from the point of view of the theory of language, but also from the practical point of view, under which is to understand the own research based on the Mannheim corpus of novels by the contemporary writers. The comparative complex sentence was chosen, because the usage of the modes is different, thus a disparity can be observed. Therefore, the scholars dealing with the grammar refer to it as a side issue. The question how do the authors of chosen novels deal with the modes combinations and the subordinating conjunctions should be answered here. The examples will be statistically evaluated using graphics and charts. The collecting of the material, its description; the evaluation, and the synthesis of the results are the base for the overview of the sentences in question. the problems with the unreal comparative sentences;the choice of themodes;corpus of the 20th century fiction;examples;statistical evaluation