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"The Windhover" as a Symbol
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze "Poštolka" jako symbol Gerard Manley Hopkins považoval svůj sonet Poštolka za nejlepší báseň, kterou napsal. Šest let po napsání Poštolky připsal věnování "Ježíši Kristu, našemu Pánu", které ovlivnilo význam básně. Prezentace se pokusila vysvětlit tuto dvojznačnost. G. M. Hopkins, "The Windhover", "to Christ our Lord"
eng "The Windhover" as a Symbol Gerard Manley Hopkins himself called his poem The Windhover "[t]he best thing he ever wrote" (Peters, 81). This could be the main reason why, six years after writing the poem, he added "to Christ our Lord" under the title. The phrase "to Christ our Lord" was made central to the entire sonnet and was considered to form an initial ambiguity as it utterly influences the meaning of the whole poem. The purpose of my presentation was to focus on these two interpretations. G. M. Hopkins, "The Windhover", "to Christ our Lord"