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Probljemy angažirovanovo i neangažirovanovo isledovanja religii
Autoři: Bubík Tomáš
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Problém angažovaného a neangažovaného religionistického bádání Autor se v příspěvku zabýval problematikou osobní náboženské angažovanosti a neangažovanosti a jejich vlivu na badatelské výkony.
eng The Issue of Engaged and Disengaged Scientific Study of Religions Study of religions as a modern religious science, rather than other scientific disciplines, has been contending in its short history with serious methodological problems, one of them related to the very pursuit of the relationship of scientific research and the personal religious faith or world-view attitude in general. First of all, it is necessary to draw attention to the issue of a lesser or a greater effect of the explorer?s religious conviction (faith) on the research results, on possible adjusting of facts and scientific knowledge of religion to religious aims. Modern science requires objectivity that may be perceived as elimination of the subjective engagement in the cognitive process. Can a religiously-oriented explorer penetrate better and deeper into the nature of religion or to the contrary? What is the genuine function of scientific approach to religion? Such opinions were, however, quite loud in the thought of the 20th century and sometimes even clamorous. Study of religions, Outsider and insider, Theology, scientific approach