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Stereotypy badawcze w obszarze historii religii
Autoři: Bubík Tomáš
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Stereotypy v historickém bádání o náboženství Příspěvek je zaměřen na hledání stereotypů v historickém bádání o náboženství, jak tedy věda podléhá politické a kulturní ideologizaci, aniž jsi jsou toho badatelé vědomi.
eng Stereotypes in the History of Religions History of science indicates that each scientific discipline and theory cannot exist without cognitive models and stereotypes it generates. The history of religions was, during its own history, undoubtedly formed by certain philosophical and worldview ideas (scientism, positivism, historicism, scientific atheism or theologism). A good way to demonstrate the use of stereotypes in the history of religions is the example of the Czech oriental study during the 20th century. Religions of India were not merely studied, but simultaneously evaluated using stereotypes typical for the European colonialism period such as the western search for a doctrine in the ?oriental chaos?, emphasis on the western cultural and biological activity as opposed to the perceived oriental passivity, or the criticism of Indian cast system for the sake of criticism of Catholic hierarchy. On one hand, the functioning of science and human thinking is dependent on stereotypes but, simultaneously, it is necessary to critically validate and deconstruct them as well as the previous scientific results. This contribution concentrates on a critical analysis of the history of the reflection of religion. Stereotypes, scienific ideology, study of religions, theology