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Publikace detail

Ambiguious Heritage and the Search for Identity
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nejednoznačná dědictví a hledání identity Příspěvek se zabývá komplikovanou situací dospívajících jedinců smíšeného původu, indiánsko-bělošského, případně indiánsko-černošského, jak je zachycuje několik románů indiánských autorů. indiánská literatura, otázka etnicity, míšenci
eng Ambiguious Heritage and the Search for Identity In Native American literature, attention has been given to the difficulties inherent in the situation of people of multifaceted or mixed origin. The paper will analyze literary depictions of the issues of identity using both literary analysis as well as methods of cultural studies. Starting with Mourning Dove?s novel Cogewea, the Half Blood, the first novel by a Native American female author that outlines some of the problems of people of so-called mixed-blood, and continuing on to contemporary novels by Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris, the paper will analyze several literary characters trapped (or enriched) by their complicated heritage. All the characters undergo uneasy quests for identity and in the various fundamental decisions they must make (about a life partner, a spiritual orientation, a place to call home) they are always learning how to live between worlds and how to accept all parts of their roots. native american fiction, mixed heritage, Mourning Dove, Michael Dorris, Louise Erdrich, identity quest