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Sídla Jana Jiřího Jáchyma hraběte Slavaty z Chlumu a Košumberka (1634/37-1689) v proměně.
Autoři: Kubeš Jiří
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series C, Faculty of Humanities
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 55-87
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Sídla Jana Jiřího Jáchyma hraběte Slavaty z Chlumu a Košumberka (1634/37-1689) v proměně. Autor se pokouší nastínit rozdílný přístup jednoho ze Slavatů k jeho sídlům v 2. polovině 17. století. Do roku 1673 se Jan Jáchym Slavata pokoušel integrovat do dvorské společnosti ve Vídni, neměl velké pozemkové zázemí a svá skrovná sídla nepřestavoval. V roce 1673 zdědil po svém bratru velký rodový majetek a změnil pohled na reprezentační možnosti svých sídel. Většinu svého času pak trávil v Praze (dvě třetiny roku), proto logicky věnoval pozornost zejména pražskému rodovému paláci. Nechal jej zbarokizovat a plánoval jeho přefasádování do Ostruhové ulice. Na okraji Prahy investoval nemalé prostředky do vybudování letohrádku uprostřed zahrady. Na venkově se soustředil nejen na svou hlavní venkovskou rezidenci v Jindřichově Hradci (nově reprezentační místnosti se Španělským sálem), ale upravil i sídla v Nové Bystřici, lovecké zámky v Červené Lhotě a Chlumu u Třeboně. Výzdoba a zařízení venkovských sídel dokládala, že zde bydlí nejen kosmopolitní šlechtic, který zná všechny soudobé novinky, ale také český patriot, který je pyšný na dlouhou tradici svého rodu v Českém království. raný novověk - šlechta - Slavata - šlechtická sídla - reprezentace
eng Residences of Jan Jiří Jáchym, Count Slavata of Chlum and Košumberk (1637-1689) According to the life style, historians can divide baroque nobility in the Habsburg lands into four main groups. These are dukes (Fürsten), courtly oriented noblemen (hoffähig), landlords (Landadel) and gentry. One of the main criteria of such a dividing is the chosen career of each nobleman. In fact no one of them lived all his life having only one office or function. This is a result which can show also Jan Jáchym Slavata, count of Chlum and Košumberk. At first he tried to become a member of some court office in Vienna, but from 1673 he was a senior of his house and he spent the rest of his life in the land offices in Prague. Each carrer created the different space frame to his life style. Till 1673 (court career) he moved between his only northbohemian estate and Vienna. After 1673 (land career) he travelled each year between Prague and his family estates in South Bohemia and South Moravia. This article tries to answer, if the different space conditions of both his careers influenced his attitude to concrete country and town residences and if it changed his life style and his individual thinking. Slavata, as it was usual in the second half of 17th century, spent often more than two thirds of every year in his town residences and he had to respect it in his attitude to his castles and palaces. Due to his bad financial situation he could not create special residential plan before 1673. Then he became very rich and powerful after the death of his brother. During his land career he thought of a new residential possibilities but his plans were completed only partly. At first he wanted to build a new, more representative palace in the place of his career, in Prague. He tried to enlarge his family palace and he created a new suburban residence including a large baroque garden that had not be seen in Prague yet. In the second phase of his plan he focused on his country estates. He did not think of any new baroque castle because he wanted to rebuild present interiors onl early modern times ? nobility ? Slavata ? residences ? representation