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Kreativität an Grenzen. Literatur im deutsch-tschechischen Zwischenraum
Autoři: Baumann Winfried
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Lingua germanica 2008. Sborník z konference. Otázky česko-německých a německo-českých jazykových, literárních a kulturně-historických vztahů
Název nakladatele: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Místo vydání: Plzeň
Strana od-do: 10-26
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Creativity on the Borders. The Literature in the German-Czech Interspace The good cooperation between the Czech Republic and its neighbour is very important for the further development in Central Europe. The Czech "German Language and Literature Studies" will broach and intensify the issue of literary relationships within the framework of the cultural contacts. The first contributions to this topic, as for example this one, deal with the creativity on the borders, within the contents area of ?Border as Genus Loci?. The aim is to collect examples for procreative cooperation crossing the borders. The focus of the research is on the search for the different creative milieus, following hints to concrete literary results will be introduced. turn of the millennium;literature on the border;border and borderland;festival, the rehabilitation of the past in the media;the overcoming of the border