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Publikace detail

Die neue grüne Jungfer. Grenzen der Literatur - Literatur der Grenze
Autoři: Baumann Winfried
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nová Zelená panna
eng The New Green Virgin The borders between the Czech Republic and its German-speaking neighbours could have a future, when looking at the development of the borderland as a literary region. The topic of the neighbourhood would be a unique impulse. It can be traced back to the time before the WW I (For more information see the Bavarian writer Maximilian Schmidt) and it became even more relevant after the 1989 change (Bernhard Setzwein, Manfred Böckl and others in the Bavarian area). Taking the literary sources into consideration, the aims of the research can be set and related to the intercultural third space, between the current domestic countries, that can be geologically and geographically defined as the edge of Czech basin. The aim is to observe how the Czech and the Austrian writers enhance their perspectives towards the Czech Republic. The essay is limited to the situation on the Czech-Bavarian border and shows how are the Czech topics and the Czech people in general integrated into the German literature.