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Heinrich III. gegen Břetislav I. Der Kampf von 1040 im Grenzwald und sein literarisches Echo
Autoři: Baumann Winfried | Erbová Barbora
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Beiträge zur Geschichte im Landkreis Cham
Název nakladatele: Morsak Verlag GmbH
Místo vydání: Grafenau
Strana od-do: 25-37
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Henry the III against Břetislav the I. The Battle of 1040 in Grenzwald and its Literary Echo The event of 1040 that is dealt with in depth in the Bohemian chronicle by Cosmas from Prague is mentioned within Chamer Reports in a large number of texts. They are based on the research results by the Prague historian Eduard Maur (Charles University, the University of Pardubice) and enhance these by including new points of view: This paper includes a comparison of the findings by Cosmas and Palacky, aimed at the creation of a base for the upcoming research on this topic, that is yet to be done in the upcoming years. The series begins with analysis of Bavarian-Bohemian neighbourhood in the area of Domažlice - Furth in Wald that is done at the University of Pardubice. chronicle;historiography;geographical area