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New possibilities of potentiometric stripping analysis based on ion-pair formation and accumulation of analyte at carbon paste electrodes
Autoři: Vytřas Karel | Konvalina Jiří
Rok: 1998
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Electroanalysis
Název nakladatele: Wiley-VCH
Místo vydání: Weinheim
Strana od-do: 787-790
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nové možnosti v potenciometrické stripping analýze založené na iontovém párování a akumulaci analytu na uhlíkových pastových elektrodách Nové možnosti v potenciometrické stripping analýze založené na iontovém párování a akumulaci analytu na uhlíkových pastových elektrodách
eng New possibilities of potentiometric stripping analysis based on ion-pair formation and accumulation of analyte at carbon paste electrodes A novel technique of potentiometric stripping analysis is based on extractive accumulation of anionic species of Lipophilic character in polar pasting liquids of carbon paste electrodes. Determinations of both gold(III) which is accumulated as tetrachloroaurate(III) and iodide (accumulated at positive potentials as a halide complex of iodine) at a carbon paste electrode containing tricresyl phosphate are given as examples. Both the anions form ion-pairs with protonated tricresyl phosphate and accumulate at the working electrode on extraction principles; the accumulation step is followed by their reduction using constant current. Similar procedures based on ion-pair formation followed by extractive accumulation could be elaborated fur many other ionic species. Thus, this may represent a new approach utilizable in potentiometric stripping analysis. potentiometric stripping analysis;carbon paste electrodes