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New trends in research on the history of Habsburg imperial diplomacy (16th – 19th centuries)
Historical building of the University of Pardubice, Náměstí Čs. Legií, room CB03003 kontakt

International doctoral and postdoctoral seminar

University of Pardubice, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Institute of Historical Sciences and Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value

September 16th–18th 2021
venue: Historical building of the University of Pardubice, Náměstí Čs. Legií, room CB03003

You can join us here at Microsoft Teams


16th September 2021

9:15 opening
9:30–9:45 keynote speech
Prof. Dr. Karl Vocelka (University of Vienna)
Topics, ceremonies, and media in early modern diplomacy

PANEL 1: Habsburg Emperors, diplomacy and the Imperial Diet
PANEL 2: Habsburg-Ottoman diplomacy I
PANEL 3: Habsburg-Ottoman diplomacy II

17:30–18:30 opening of the library of Professor Karl Vocelka (Vienna)
in the University Library

17th September 2021

PANEL 4: Diplomatic immunity and new strategies of negotiation at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries
PANEL 5: Habsburg diplomats in the mid-18th century

PANEL 6: Habsburg diplomacy in the first half of the 19th century

15:30–15:45 conclusion
16:00–17:30 downtown tour with guide

18th September 2021
9:00–15:00 Excursion to Litomyšl (Renaissance castle from the times of the Pernsteins from the second half of the 16th century and beautiful town centre from the premodern times

doc. Mgr. Pavel Marek, Ph.D.

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Programme - pdf 432 kB