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Army, Society and Warfare in the Bohemian Lands under the Habsburgs (1526–1918)
Pardubice – Josefov kontakt

Ústav historických věd FF UPCE zve na mezinárodní konferenci "Army, Society and Warfare in the Bohemian Lands
under the Habsburgs (1526–1918)".

14. - 16. září 2023 | Zámek Pardubice, Pevnost Josefov

Konference bude vedena v anglickém jazyce. 

Co-organised by

  • Institute of Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • Institute of History, University of Pardubice
  • Czech Society for Military Historical Research

Our Conference welcomes papers on any aspect of Army, Society and Warfare in the Bohemian Lands from the beginning of the Habsburg rule to the breakdown of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy at the end of the First World War. Our geographical remit is Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia (until the Seven Years War) and Lusatia (until the thirty Years War). We are particularly interested in papers based on new and original archival research.

PhDr. Vítězslav Prchal, Ph.D.