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The course is intended for qualified teachers who wish to carry out the specialised activity of mentoring or who wish to lead teaching practice and work with beginning teachers, i.e. become mentoring teachers, mentors of teaching practice, university mentors, etc. 

Maximum number of participants per year: 25


Aim of the studies: The main aim of the study is to develop competence for the role of a mentor, i.e. to develop mentoring knowledge and skills in managing the professional learning process of student teachers and beginning teachers, giving feedback, evaluating and reflecting on practice and the process/outcomes of professional learning. The overall aim of the course is to contribute to improving the quality of teacher education.

The studies last two semesters, consisting of initial education followed by continuous education (a total of 50 hours). 

Topics of entry education of mentors (total of 30 hours, of which 15 hours full-time, 7 hours online/in schools, 8 hours self-study):

  • Knowledge of professional preparation at the faculty for the role of a mentor
  • Creating a safe environment (in collaboration with the mentor and student teacher, including mentoring and support styles, sharing good practice)
  • Joint planning of teaching 
  • Observation and identification of key aspects of teaching
  • Providing feedback, conducting a reflective dialogue
  • (Self-)evaluation and (self-)reflection on the practice and progress/outcomes of professional learning (of both mentor and mentee)

Entry course for mentors: Mentoring for Teachers (entry course) meets the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport’s Standard for entry training and has been approved for use in the 2024/25 academic year trial (see MEYS website).

Topics of continuous education of mentors (total of 20 hours, of which 12 hours full-time/online/in schools, 8 hours self-study):

  • Joint planning of teaching 
  • Observation and identification of key aspects of teaching
  • Providing feedback, conducting a reflective dialogue
  • (Self-)evaluation and (self-)reflection on the practice and progress/outcomes of professional learning (of both mentor and mentee)

Form of study: Combined (full-time and distance). Full-time teaching takes place at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of UPCE, directly in the institutions (schools where students do their teaching practice) and synchronously via the online platform MS Teams. Distance learning (self-study) is managed via the online technology LMS Moodle. 1 lesson = 45 minutes.

Completion of the course: A successful course graduate is a participant who completes the assignments throughout the course and participates in a final evaluation in the form of a focus group (group interview) or, optionally, through the evaluation of reflective interviews with students and mentors’ own classes. 

At the end of the course, the graduate will receive a certificate of completion of the Lifelong learning programme: Mentoring for Teachers (entry course for mentors). This basic course is followed by a follow-up course Mentoring for Teachers (continuous education) of 20 hours (12 hours of faculty/online/school teaching and 8 hours of self-study). At the end of the course, the graduate will receive a certificate of completion of the Lifelong learning programme: Mentoring for Teachers (follow-up course for mentors).

Contact person: Mgr. Helena Zitková, Ph.D.,