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English Language Teaching for primary and secondary schools within the framework of lifelong learning (LLL) is intended for graduates of non-pedagogical university programmes with a university degree, in particular teachers of English in primary and secondary schools, and others interested in working as teachers of English in primary and secondary schools who do not meet the legal requirements for a professional qualification. 

The form of study is combined (i.e. full-time and distance forms). Full-time teaching place on Saturdays in the first year and on Friday afternoons in the second year. Teaching is divided into 4 semesters with a time allocation of 104 hours of full-time teaching, 106 hours of distance teaching and 140 hours of structured and reflective practice. 

Structure of teaching Total hours 
Pedagogical-psychological basis 98 
Subject didactics 112 
Structured and reflective practice 140 

Admission requirements

  1. Completed university education (Mgr., Ing.). The application must be accompanied by a university diploma or a certificate of state final examination.
  2. English language at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference (as assessed by the entrance examination). (The entrance exam may be substituted by a standardised exam at C1 level (Cambridge C1 Advanced – CAE; IELTS band 7–8; ELSA C1; JETSET ESOL International Qualifications C1; TOEFL iTP® Level 1: 627–677 (C1); Pearson Tests of English General (Level 4); LanguageCert SELT Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking C1; and their equivalents at C2 level). Proof of passing the exam (certificate, including the score) must be attached to the e-application along with other documents.)

On the basis of the above conditions, applicants will be ranked, and the 30 most successful applicants will be admitted to the Lifelong Learning Programme. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy reserves the right to waive the entrance examination if the maximum number of applications does not exceed the maximum capacity or not to open the first year if there are insufficient applicants.

Minimum number of participants per year: 12           
Maximum number of participants per year: 30


Completion of studies: The programme concludes with a final examination, which consists of the presentation and defence of the final written paper, i.e. the professional portfolio, followed by a discussion.

The graduate of this study programme acquires a professional qualification according to Section 2 of Decree No. 317/2005 Sb. on Further Education of Teaching Staff, the Accreditation Commission and the Career System for Teaching Staff, as amended. If the graduate also fulfils the other two qualification requirements according to Section 12 of Act No. 563/2004 Sb. on Teaching Staff, i.e. has successfully passed the English language examination at the minimum level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Complementary didactic studies of English of at least 60 hours, the graduate obtains the qualification of a teacher of English for lower secondary and upper secondary schools and is entitled to teach English at primary, lower secondary and upper secondary schools.

Important deadlines

We are not opening the programme this year.

Application deadline (including the required documents mentioned above): 31 July 2023
Entrance exams: 1 September 2023
Commencement of classes: 23 September 2023

Contact person: Mgr. Helena Zitková, Ph.D.,