English: The doctoral study programme is focused on scientific research and independent creative activity in the field of historical research. Study in the doctoral programme is conducted according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor.
Česky: Doktorský studijní program je zaměřen na vědecké bádání a samostatnou tvůrčí činnost v oblasti dějepisného bádání. Studium v doktorském studijním programu probíhá podle individuálního studijního plánu pod vedením školitele.
Absolvent vykazuje hluboké znalosti historických skutečností, jevů a procesů od středověku až do soudobých dějin, je schopen je uplatnit ve vlastní badatelské práci, orientuje se v institucionálním zajištění historického bádání.
Absolventi se uplatní například:
- v akademické sféře a v dalších institucích zabývajících se vědou, výzkumem, vývojem a inovacemi,
- v oblasti památkové péče,
- v archivnictví,
- v muzejnictví.
Forma studia: Prezenční i kombinované
Typ studia: Doktorský
Titul: Získáš titul Ph.D.
Standardní délka studia: 4 roky
Jazyk studia: Výuka je v češtině
Předměty v rámci studia viz: https://studuj.upce.cz/obor/ff-historicke-vedy-doktorsky-prezencni-cest…;
The graduate has a deep knowledge of historical facts, phenomena and processes from the Middle Ages to contemporary history, is able to apply them in their own research work, and is oriented in the institutional provision of historical research.
Graduates will be able to find employment:
- in academia and other institutions engaged in science, research, development and innovation,
- in the field of heritage conservation,
- in archives,
- in museums.
Form of study: full-time and combined
Type of study: doctoral
Degree: Ph.D.
Standard study time: 4 years
Language of study: English
Courses in the study programme: https://studuj.upce.cz/obor/ff-historical-sciences-doktorsky-prezencni-…
Each person interested in doctoral studies in history must first contact one of the supervisors according to his/her specialization and agree on the topic of the intended dissertation. All supervisors deal with European cultural history (mostly Central European cultural history) and it is not possible for them to supervise dissertations dealing with the history of other continents unless the topic has a clear link to European history. It is not possible to admit a candidate to the study programme without consulting the prospective supervisor. Only after consultation can one apply electronically on the website https://studuj.upce.cz/en/historical-sciences.
Prospective supervisors
Late Middle Ages (14th-16th centuries)
1) prof. Mgr. Martin Čapský, Ph.D. (Martin.Capsky@upce.cz): Political Communication in Late Medieval Central Europe
Early Modern Period (16th-18th centuries)
2) prof. PhDr. Petr Vorel, CSc. (Petr.Vorel@upce.cz): Economic history and monetary circulation in medieval and early modern Europe
3) doc. Mgr. Pavel Marek, Ph.D. (Pavel.Marek@upce.cz): Nobility in the service of the Habsburg dynasty in the 16th and 17th centuries; Relations between the Czech lands and the Romanesque world in the early modern period
4) doc. Mgr. Jiří Kubeš, Ph.D. (Jiri.Kubes@upce.cz): The Imperial Court and Noble Society in the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy in the 17th-18th Centuries; History of Travel in the Early Modern Period
Modern History (19th-20th centuries)
5) Prof. PhDr. Milena Lenderová, CSc. (Milena.Lenderova@upce.cz): Cultural History of Central Europe in the Long 19th Century; Categories of Gender in Historical Research
6) Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Šedivý, Ph.D. (Miroslav.Sedivy@upce.cz): Political History and Diplomacy in Europe in the 19th Century
7) Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Jiránek, Ph.D. (Tomas.Jiranek@upce.cz): Economic and Military History in the Czech Lands in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century; Czech-German Relations in the 19th and the First Half of the 20th Century
8) doc. Mgr. Pavel Panoch, Ph.D. (Pavel.Panoch@upce.cz): Central European Historical Cultural Heritage and its Interpretation; Czech and Central European Architecture in the 19th-20th Century and its Cultural and Historical Context
9) Mgr. Vladan Hanulík, Ph.D. (Vladan.Hanulik@upce.cz): Social history of medicine in Central Europe of the 19th and 20th centuries; History of patients; Gender history
10) Mgr. Zbyněk Vydra, Ph.D. (Zbynek.Vydra@upce.cz): History of the Russian Empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries; Cultural History of the Russian Nobility