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Integrating microteaching and modern teaching methods into the Pragmatics course

Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Interní rozvojová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.19 - 30.11.19
Workplace: Fakulta filozofická - Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Investigator: Huschová Petra
Team member: Reimannová Irena
Currently, the Pragmatics course is based primarily on theoretical sources and thus students focus mainly on theoretical issues. Innovations of this compulsory linguistic course aim to provide students with more opportunities to apply the gained theoretical knowledge, particularly through planning, preparing, performing and evaluating short microteaching sessions. To achieve the aim, it is necessary to purchase relevant linguistic/didactic books, modify handouts and prepare new study material that will reflect the current trends in linguistics and didactics. Our objective is to prepare an e-learning module in LMS Moodle that will support, in compliance with Priority 1, incorporation of modern and innovative tools into Pragmatics and that will contribute to the MA graduates' professional and language competence increase.