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prof. PhDr. Milena Lenderová, CSc.
Head of Scientific Team

Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
466 036 768

The scientific team focuses on

  • research into the stay of the exiled French King Charles X at Prague Castle in 1832–1836
  • everyday life in exile, social, economic and political context
  • Nobility in the civic century – preservation and destruction of stereotypes and strategies in the course of life cycles and forms of everyday life of the nobility: pregnancy, birth, christening, upbringing and education, choice of partner, marriage, parenthood, widowhood, death, burial; housing, food, hygiene, health, travel, sport, representation


Exile; Charles X; Prague Castle 1832–1836;

Members of the scientific team

  • prof. PhDr. Milena Lenderová, CSc.
  • doc. PhDr. Marie Macková, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Vladan Hanulík, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Hana Stoklasová, Ph.D.
  • Violeta Ruiz Cuenca, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Martin Halata

Solved projects

Project implementation periodProject name
2022–2024Exil Karla X. na Pražském hradě a deník neznámé/ho
2020–2021Šlechta v občanském století – konzervace i destrukce stereotypů a strategií v průběhu životních cyklů a formách každodenního života urozených
2017–2019Porodní báby: profesionalizace, institucionalizace a výkon historicky prvního ženského kvalifikovaného povolání v průběhu dvou staletí. 1804–1948; projekt GA ČR 17-14082S

Description of activity

Between 1832 and 1836, the deposed French King Charles X stayed at Prague Castle. Compared to other monarchs, he has received less attention in French historiography. His stay in Prague, during which he came into contact with a part of the Bohemian nobility, was more or less left out of the interest of researchers. From the 1880s, ‘Czech’ attention to Charles X was devoted almost exclusively to his stay in Prague – a rather lively interest that lasted until the First Republic and continued into other periods. Historians, however, had been replaced by authors of popularisation works.

This makes the search for a more accurate picture all the more tempting. It can be based on the successful ongoing research into the lesser-known part of Prague Castle, within whose walls the life of the royal family took place for almost four years, and in particular on the memoirs of people around Charles X (including members of his court), the corpus of which has been compiled and partly analysed in recent years as part of a team project. Another unique source is the 61 volumes of manuscript notes kept in the Prague Castle Archive.