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2 yrs Master / Specialisation in Educational Sciences
Resocialization Pedagogy
The objective of this specialisation is to provide the students with the skills and knowledge needed for pedagogical work in re-socialization and re-educational institutions or in extracurricular institutions. Students will enhance their theoretical knowledge and their skills to apply them in pedagogical disciplines and in real life situations. Another objective is to deepen the skills to adjust the knowledge and experience to the changing conditions and requirements imposed on pedagogical employees. Graduates will have acquired theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills which will enable them to apply the pedagogical influence on the individuals whose behaviour is marked pathologically (addiction, criminality, and education when serving the sentence of confinement) and also the pedagogical influence on the individuals who are socially disadvantaged (socially marginalised groups who incline to social pathological behaviour). The graduates will be qualified to work as educators in institutions specialising in re-socialization programs. The field of study of Resocialization pedagogy provides a degree in and qualifications for direct pedagogical and managerial positions in institutions focused on re-socialization activities (for example in prison facilities etc.) Knowledge acquired during the master study programme is a prerequisite for further PhD study programme of pedagogy and related disciplines.