Assessing the study of religious change in Central-Eastern Europe
Provider: International Visegrad Fund
Programme: International Visegrad Fund
Implementation period: 01.02.22 - 01.07.23
The project aims at strengthening cooperation between scholars of religion of the V4, to provide more visibility for topical research in this area of studies and to foster social dialogue on religious change in the region. Social scientific research networks are weak and are mostly initiated by funding sources located beyond the region. By empowering local institutions, enriching scholarly knowledge and its dissemination to non-academic publics, the project aims at reversing the hierarchies of knowledge transmission and contributing to the better understanding religious processes in the V4.
The project aims at strengthening cooperation between scholars of religion of the V4, to provide more visibility for topical research in this area of studies and to foster social dialogue on religious change in the region. Social scientific research networks are weak and are mostly initiated by funding sources located beyond the region. By empowering local institutions, enriching scholarly knowledge and its dissemination to non-academic publics, the project aims at reversing the hierarchies of knowledge transmission and contributing to the better understanding religious processes in the V4.