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Russian Radical Right in Exile, 1918-1945

Provider: Grantová agentura ČR
Programme: Standardní projekty
Implementation period: 01.01.20 - 30.06.23
Workplace: Fakulta filozofická - Ústav historických věd
Investigator: Vydra Zbyněk
Team member: Jiránek Tomáš
The project is about the development of the Russian radical right in exile in 1918-1945. The radical right represented one of the major political streams of the Russian emigration. It was partly linked to its pre-revolutionary activity in Russia, but at the same time, it was inspired by new ideologies of the inter-war period, especially fascism. Comprehensive analysis of political activity and political thinking of individual right-wing groups and their mutual comparison is the project's core. The project focuses on the monarchist parties following their activities in Russia before 1917 (e.g. the Supreme Monarchist Council), and new groups founded by the younger generation of political emigrants, and following the new ideologies, especially fascism. In addition, the activity of Russian military emigration (the All-Russian Military Union) and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad will be analyzed if it had political connections with the rightist groups. The project builds on the long-term research activity of the applicant and his previous results (positively acclaimed book in 2010).