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Bohrs complementary Approach to the Phenomenon of the Living. A Phenomenological Interpretation.

Provider: Grantová agentura ČR
Programme: Postdoktorské projekty (řešení od 1.1.2012)
Implementation period: 01.01.12 - 31.12.14
Workplace: Fakulta filozofická - Katedra filosofie a religionistiky
Investigator: Grygar Filip
Niels Bohr introduced the idea of complementarity in 1927 as a new frame for the cognition of nature enabling complex understanding and description of subatomic course of events on the basis of two incompatible notions: wave and corpuscular. He then attempted to apply this frame also beyond the scope of quantum theory, especially in biology. Bohr showed that for the description of phenomenon of the living mechanistic approach or merely vitalistic approach is not enough, but complementary approach is required which supplements single-sided mechanistic approach with the approach to the living in its manifesting self-organization and complexity, including the nteraction with the environment and the one who is analyzing. Bohrs thinking displays a number of common features with Husserls intentional and Heideggers hermeneutical phenomenology, in articular in taking standpoint to subject-object paradigm of modern science. The intention of the submitted project is to provide henomenological interpretation of Bohrs complementary approach to the phenomenon of the living.